Meet Lily

BWMN Active Head Trainer - Certified Master Trainer - Transformation Coach

Passionate about all things fitness, mindset and personal growth, lily recognises the profound connection between thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives, she views them as the cornerstone shaping one's actions and choices.

Lily’s goal as a coach is to not only guide you in attaining your fitness and physique aspirations, but to provide you with the tools to break through mental barriers, redefine your identity, and unlock potentials you never knew existed.

Not just your personal trainer; she's your ride-or-die cheerleader. Committed to equipping you with the transformative tools needed to step into your most empowered and confident self.

Lily’s Transformation

49kgs to 61kgs 

The image on the left feels surreal to me now. Back then, I grappled with body image and confidence, stuck in an unhealthy loop of overtraining, excessive cardio, and restrictive eating.

My breakthrough came when I discovered incredible women on social media flaunting curvy, strong figures sculpted through weight-based workouts. That's when I got rid of the 'skinny' fixation and embraced the desire to be strong, healthy, and of course, build a booty <3

This journey inspired me to pursue my master trainer certification, personal development and dive headfirst into a the world of social media with the hopes of empowering other girls, like me, to feel confident, fit, and achieve their fitness goals.

DM me ‘I’M READY’ to start your transformation.